Carbohydrate response element gene transcriptions
Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief: Henry A. Hoff
A high glucose "HG environment promotes [carbohydrate response element-binding protein] ChREBP translocation to the nucleus leading to formation of a heterodimeric complex with MLX (Max-like protein X) and binding to the carbohydrate response elements (ChoRE) of ChREBP target genes in the nucleus (14-16)."[1]
Human genes
Gene ID: 55000 is TUG1 taurine up-regulated 1 on 22q12.2: "This gene produces a long non-coding RNA that interacts with the Polycomb repressor complex and functions in the epigenetic regulation of transcription. This RNA promotes cell proliferation and is upregulated in tumor cells. It may act as a sponge for microRNAs. The homologous mouse gene is required for differentiation of retina. Alternative splicing results in multiple transcript variants."[2]
Gene expressions
High "glucose milieu down-regulates Tug1 expression in podocytes."[1]
Consensus sequences
Binding sites
"The putative ChREBP binding sites ChoRE1 (CACGTGACCGGATCTTG, -324 to -308) and ChoRE2 (TCCGCCCCCATCACGTG, -298 to - 282) were mutated into CACGTGACGGATCTTG and TCCGCCCCATCACGTG respectively, where the 5-nt spacer between the two E-boxes in ChoRE motifs were shortened to 4-nt (underlined) as previously studies showed (10,35)."[1]
"Using a web-based tool, rVista 2.0, we identified several potential binding sites for transcription factors [...]. Notably, we found multiple p53 candidate binding sites, and SP1, YY1, E47, and IRF-3 as well as PPAR-α binding sites."[1]
Inverse copies
Enhancer activity
The E-boxes in ChoRE1 and ChoRE2 are CACGTG and ATCTTG and TCCGCC and CACGTG.[1]
Promoter occurrences
In "response to HG milieu, ChREBP can recruit other members of the ChREBP network, including MLX, MAX (Myc-associated factor), MXD1, (Max dimerization protein 1) and HDAC1 (histone deacetylase 1), to a ChoRE element and neighboring E-box (enhancer box) in the Tug1 promoter, suppressing transcriptional activity."[1]
- A1BG has no Carbohydrate response elements in either promoter.
- A1BG is not transcribed by a Carbohydrate response element.
- Carbohydrate response element does not participate in the transcription of A1BG.
Copying the E-boxes putting these sequences in "⌘F" finds: CACGTG none between ZSCAN22 and A1BG and one between ZNF497 and A1BG, ATCTTG none between ZSCAN22 and A1BG and none between ZNF497 and A1BG, and TCCGCC one between ZSCAN22 and A1BG and none between ZNF497 and A1BG, as can be found by the computer programs.
Copying the ChoRE consensus sequence 5'-ACCGGATCTTG-3' or 5'-TCCGCCCCCAT-3' and putting the sequence in "⌘F" finds none between ZNF497 and A1BG or none between ZSCAN22 and A1BG as can be found by the computer programs.
Copying the core ChoRE consensus sequence 5'-ACCGG-3' or 5'-CCCAT-3' and putting the sequence in "⌘F" finds one and five between ZSCAN22 and A1BG or six and three between ZNF497 and A1BG as can be found by the computer programs.
For the Basic programs testing consensus sequence 5'-CACGTGACCGGATCTTG-3' (starting with SuccessablesChoRE1.bas) written to compare nucleotide sequences with the sequences on either the template strand (-), or coding strand (+), of the DNA, in the negative direction (-), or the positive direction (+), the programs are, are looking for, and found:
- negative strand, negative direction, looking for 5'-CACGTGACCGGATCTTG-3', 0.
- negative strand, positive direction, looking for 5'-CACGTGACCGGATCTTG-3', 0.
- positive strand, negative direction, looking for 5'-CACGTGACCGGATCTTG-3', 0.
- positive strand, positive direction, looking for 5'-CACGTGACCGGATCTTG-3', 0.
- complement, negative strand, negative direction, looking for 5'-GTGCACTGGCCTAGAAC-3', 0.
- complement, negative strand, positive direction, looking for 5'-GTGCACTGGCCTAGAAC-3', 0.
- complement, positive strand, negative direction, looking for 5'-GTGCACTGGCCTAGAAC-3', 0.
- complement, positive strand, positive direction, looking for 5'-GTGCACTGGCCTAGAAC-3', 0.
- inverse complement, negative strand, negative direction, looking for 5'-CAAGATCCGGTCACGTG-3', 0.
- inverse complement, negative strand, positive direction, looking for 5'-CAAGATCCGGTCACGTG-3', 0.
- inverse complement, positive strand, negative direction, looking for 5'-CAAGATCCGGTCACGTG-3', 0.
- inverse complement, positive strand, positive direction, looking for 5'-CAAGATCCGGTCACGTG-3', 0.
- inverse negative strand, negative direction, looking for 5'-GTTCTAGGCCAGTGCAC-3', 0.
- inverse negative strand, positive direction, looking for 5'-GTTCTAGGCCAGTGCAC-3', 0.
- inverse positive strand, negative direction, looking for 5'-GTTCTAGGCCAGTGCAC-3', 0.
- inverse positive strand, positive direction, looking for 5'-GTTCTAGGCCAGTGCAC-3', 0.
For the Basic programs testing consensus sequence 5'-TCCGCCCCCATCACGTG-3' (starting with SuccessablesChoRE2.bas) written to compare nucleotide sequences with the sequences on either the template strand (-), or coding strand (+), of the DNA, in the negative direction (-), or the positive direction (+), the programs are, are looking for, and found:
- negative strand, negative direction, looking for 5'-TCCGCCCCCATCACGTG-3', 0.
- negative strand, positive direction, looking for 5'-TCCGCCCCCATCACGTG-3', 0.
- positive strand, negative direction, looking for 5'-TCCGCCCCCATCACGTG-3', 0.
- positive strand, positive direction, looking for 5'-TCCGCCCCCATCACGTG-3', 0.
- complement, negative strand, negative direction, looking for 5'-AGGCGGGGGTAGTGCAC-3', 0.
- complement, negative strand, positive direction, looking for 5'-AGGCGGGGGTAGTGCAC-3', 0.
- complement, positive strand, negative direction, looking for 5'-AGGCGGGGGTAGTGCAC-3', 0.
- complement, positive strand, positive direction, looking for 5'-AGGCGGGGGTAGTGCAC-3', 0.
- inverse complement, negative strand, negative direction, looking for 5'-CACGTGATGGGGGCGGA-3', 0.
- inverse complement, negative strand, positive direction, looking for 5'-CACGTGATGGGGGCGGA-3', 0.
- inverse complement, positive strand, negative direction, looking for 5'-CACGTGATGGGGGCGGA-3', 0.
- inverse complement, positive strand, positive direction, looking for 5'-CACGTGATGGGGGCGGA-3', 0.
- inverse negative strand, negative direction, looking for 5'-GTGCACTACCCCCGCCT-3', 0.
- inverse negative strand, positive direction, looking for 5'-GTGCACTACCCCCGCCT-3', 0.
- inverse positive strand, negative direction, looking for 5'-GTGCACTACCCCCGCCT-3', 0.
- inverse positive strand, positive direction, looking for 5'-GTGCACTACCCCCGCCT-3', 0.
Carb sections
ACCGG (Carb)
UTR promoters
Negative strand, negative direction: CCGGT at 4168, CCGGT at 4100, ACCGG at 4099, CCGGT at 3949, ACCGG at 3948, CCGGT at 3131, ACCGG at 3130.
Core promoters
Negative strand, positive direction: ACCGG at 4345.
Proximal promoters
Negative strand, negative direction: CCGGT at 2608, ACCGG at 2607.
Distal promoters
Negative strand, negative direction: CCGGT at 2517, CCGGT at 2075, CCGGT at 1201, ACCGG at 1200, CCGGT at 690, CCGGT at 646, ACCGG at 645, CCGGT at 554, CCGGT at 417.
Positive strand, negative direction: ACCGG at 2191.
Negative strand, positive direction: ACCGG at 1846, CCGGT at 1760, ACCGG at 1546, ACCGG at 1294, ACCGG at 1210, ACCGG at 1042, CCGGT at 485, ACCGG at 442.
Positive strand, positive direction: ACCGG at 3681, CCGGT at 2991, ACCGG at 2990, ACCGG at 2985, CCGGT at 2572, ACCGG at 2571, CCGGT at 2070, ACCGG at 2069, CCGGT at 1849, ACCGG at 1738, CCGGT at 1173, CCGGT at 982, ACCGG at 949, CCGGT at 882, ACCGG at 849, CCGGT at 327, CCGGT at 213, ACCGG at 199.
Carb random samples
- Carbr0: 3, ACCGG at 4060, ACCGG at 3627, ACCGG at 729.
- Carbr1: 4, ACCGG at 4519, ACCGG at 3982, ACCGG at 2463, ACCGG at 394.
- Carbr2: 3, ACCGG at 1907, ACCGG at 1211, ACCGG at 1131.
- Carbr3: 5, ACCGG at 3836, ACCGG at 2366, ACCGG at 2068, ACCGG at 597, ACCGG at 344.
- Carbr4: 5, ACCGG at 4237, ACCGG at 3458, ACCGG at 1623, ACCGG at 1219, ACCGG at 108.
- Carbr5: 7, ACCGG at 4114, ACCGG at 4047, ACCGG at 2981, ACCGG at 1432, ACCGG at 1069, ACCGG at 661, ACCGG at 604.
- Carbr6: 7, ACCGG at 4126, ACCGG at 2995, ACCGG at 2733, ACCGG at 2427, ACCGG at 1919, ACCGG at 1618, ACCGG at 1407.
- Carbr7: 2, ACCGG at 3658, ACCGG at 3420.
- Carbr8: 7, ACCGG at 3734, ACCGG at 3728, ACCGG at 3722, ACCGG at 3649, ACCGG at 3613, ACCGG at 1970, ACCGG at 1062.
- Carbr9: 8, ACCGG at 4043, ACCGG at 3809, ACCGG at 3395, ACCGG at 3060, ACCGG at 3041, ACCGG at 2150, ACCGG at 1707, ACCGG at 596.
- Carbr0ci: 4, CCGGT at 4260, CCGGT at 4061, CCGGT at 3628, CCGGT at 1685.
- Carbr1ci: 4, CCGGT at 4481, CCGGT at 2668, CCGGT at 1680, CCGGT at 508.
- RDr2ci: 7, CCGGT at 4022, CCGGT at 3398, CCGGT at 1250, CCGGT at 1212, CCGGT at 814, CCGGT at 649, CCGGT at 633.
- RDr3ci: 8, CCGGT at 3476, CCGGT at 2885, CCGGT at 2367, CCGGT at 2069, CCGGT at 2033, CCGGT at 1583, CCGGT at 598, CCGGT at 345.
- RDr4ci: 5, CCGGT at 3394, CCGGT at 755, CCGGT at 355, CCGGT at 143, CCGGT at 109.
- RDr5ci: 0.
- RDr6ci: 0.
- RDr7ci: 0.
- RDr8ci: 0.
- RDr9ci: 0.
RDr core promoters
RDr proximal promoters
RDr distal promoters
CCCAT (Carb1)
Positive strand, negative direction: 5'-CCCAT-3' at 4454, 5'-CCCAT-3' at 3855, 5'-CCCAT-3' at 3152, 5'-CCCAT-3' at 2288, 5'-CCCAT-3' at 1861, and complements.
Negative strand, positive direction: 5'-CCCAT-3' at 4220, 5'-CCCAT-3' at 3899, 5'-CCCAT-3' at 3334, and complements.
Positive strand, positive direction: 5'-CCCAT-3' at 3751, and complement.
Enhancer boxes
UTR promoters
Negative strand, negative direction: GTTCTA at 3275.
Proximal promoters
Negative strand, positive direction: GTTCTA at 4075.
Positive strand, positive direction: ATCTTG at 4067.
Distal promoters
Negative strand, negative direction: GTTCTA at 876, ATCTTG at 286.
CarbE1 random samples
Negative strand, positive direction: 5'-CACGTG-3' at 570, and complement.
Positive strand, positive direction: 5'-CACGTG-3' at 3884, 5'-CACGTG-3' at 2961, 5'-CACGTG-3' at 1219, 5'-CACGTG-3' at 547, and complements.
Negative strand, negative direction: 5'-TCCGCC-3' at 3999, 5'-TCCGCC-3' at 3090, 5'-TCCGCC-3' at 2392, 5'-TCCGCC-3' at 2231, 5'-TCCGCC-3' at 1752, 5'-GGCGGA-3' at 1504, 5'-TCCGCC-3' at 856, 5'-TCCGCC-3' at 700, 5'-TCCGCC-3' at 427, and complements.
Positive strand, negative direction: 5'-GGCGGA-3' at 2728, 5'-GGCGGA-3' at 2393, 5'-GGCGGA-3' at 1810, 5'-TCCGCC-3' at 1503, 5'-GGCGGA-3' at 857, 5'-GGCGGA-3' at 701, 5'-GGCGGA-3' at 428, and complements.
Negative strand, positive direction: 5'-GGCGGA-3' at 1203, 5'-GGCGGA-3' at 357, and complements.
Positive strand, positive direction: 5'-GGCGGA-3' at 4239, 5'-TCCGCC-3' at 3487, 5'-TCCGCC-3' at 2485, 5'-GGCGGA-3' at 905, and complements.
A1BG core promoters
Negative strand, positive direction: 5'-ACCGG-3' at 4345, and complement (Carb).
Positive strand, negative direction: 5'-CCCAT-3' at 4454, and complement (Carb1).
A1BG proximal promoters
Negative strand, positive direction: 5'-CCCAT-3' at 4220, and complements (Carb1).
Negative strand, positive direction: 5'-GTTCTA-3' at 4075, and complement (CarbE1).
Positive strand, positive direction: 5'-ATCTTG-3' at 4067, and complement (CarbE1).
Positive strand, positive direction: 5'-GGCGGA-3' at 4239, and complements (CarbE3).
A1BG distal promoters
Negative strand, negative direction: 5'-ACCGG-3' at 4099, 5'-ACCGG-3' at 3948, 5'-ACCGG-3' at 3130, 5'-ACCGG-3' at 2607, 5'-ACCGG-3' at 1200, 5'-ACCGG-3' at 645, and complements (Carb).
Negative strand, negative direction: 5'-GTTCTA-3' at 3275, 5'-GTTCTA-3' at 876, 5'-ATCTTG-3' at 286, and complements (CarbE1).
Negative strand, negative direction: 5'-TCCGCC-3' at 3999, 5'-TCCGCC-3' at 3090, 5'-TCCGCC-3' at 2392, 5'-TCCGCC-3' at 2231, 5'-TCCGCC-3' at 1752, 5'-GGCGGA-3' at 1504, 5'-TCCGCC-3' at 856, 5'-TCCGCC-3' at 700, 5'-TCCGCC-3' at 427, and complements (CarbE3).
Positive strand, negative direction: 5'-CCCAT-3' at 3855, 5'-CCCAT-3' at 3152, 5'-CCCAT-3' at 2288, 5'-CCCAT-3' at 1861, and complements (Carb1).
Positive strand, negative direction: 5'-ACCGG-3' at 2191, and complement (Carb).
Positive strand, negative direction: 5'-GGCGGA-3' at 2728, 5'-GGCGGA-3' at 2393, 5'-GGCGGA-3' at 1810, 5'-TCCGCC-3' at 1503, 5'-GGCGGA-3' at 857, 5'-GGCGGA-3' at 701, 5'-GGCGGA-3' at 428, and complements (CarbE3).
Negative strand, positive direction: 5'-ACCGG-3' at 1846, 5'-ACCGG-3' at 1546, 5'-ACCGG-3' at 1294, 5'-ACCGG-3' at 1210, 5'-ACCGG-3' at 1042, 5'-ACCGG-3' at 442, and complements (Carb).
Negative strand, positive direction: 5'-CCCAT-3' at 3899, 5'-CCCAT-3' at 3334, and complements (Carb1).
Negative strand, positive direction: 5'-CACGTG-3' at 570, and complement (CarbE2).
Negative strand, positive direction: 5'-GGCGGA-3' at 1203, 5'-GGCGGA-3' at 357, and complements (CarbE3).
Positive strand, positive direction: 5'-ACCGG-3' at 3681, 5'-ACCGG-3' at 2990, 5'-ACCGG-3' at 2985, 5'-ACCGG-3' at 2571, 5'-ACCGG-3' at 2069, 5'-ACCGG-3' at 1738, 5'-ACCGG-3' at 949, 5'-ACCGG-3' at 849, 5'-ACCGG-3' at 199, and complements (Carb).
Positive strand, positive direction: 5'-CCCAT-3' at 3751, and complement (Carb1).
Positive strand, positive direction: 5'-CACGTG-3' at 3884, 5'-CACGTG-3' at 2961, 5'-CACGTG-3' at 1219, 5'-CACGTG-3' at 547, and complements (CarbE2).
Positive strand, positive direction: 5'-TCCGCC-3' at 3487, 5'-TCCGCC-3' at 2485, 5'-GGCGGA-3' at 905, and complements (CarbE3).
The content on this page was first contributed by: Henry A. Hoff.
See also
- ↑ Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Jianyin Long, Daniel L. Galvan, Koki Mise, Yashpal S. Kanwar, Li Li, Naravat Poungavrin, Paul A. Overbeek, Benny H. Chang, and Farhad R. Danesh (28 May 2020). "Role for carbohydrate response element-binding protein (ChREBP) in high glucose-mediated repression of long noncoding RNA Tug1" (PDF). Journal of Biological Chemistry. 5 (28). doi:10.1074/jbc.RA120.013228. Retrieved 6 October 2020.
- ↑ RefSeq (December 2017). "TUG1 taurine up-regulated 1 [ Homo sapiens (human) ]". 8600 Rockville Pike, Bethesda MD, 20894 USA: National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine. Retrieved 7 November 2020.