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Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]Mazia Fatima, MBBS [2]


Primary gastric lymphoma is cancer derived from lymphocytes (a type of white blood cell) that originates in the stomach.[1][2]

Most common cause of primary gastric lymphoma is mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphoma and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) of the stomach. These account for 90% of all diagnosed cases. Lymphomas originating outside the lymph nodes are referred to as extra nodal lymphoma. Primary gastric lymphoma is the most common type of extra nodal lymphoma.

Primary gastric Lymphoma is a rare condition Gastric lymphoma accounts for less than 15% of gastric malignancies and about 2% of all lymphomas. Most of the primary gastric lymphomas are B cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma(NHL).

Primary Gastric Lymphoma

Endoscopic image of gastric MALT lymphoma taken in body of stomach in patient who presented with upper GI hemorrhage. Appearance is similar to gastric ulcer with adherent clot.


Clinical presentation


Common symptoms of primary gastric lymphoma include:[4][5]

Less common symptoms include :

Physical Examination


An endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) will help assess the depth of lymphoma invasion and involvement of perigastric nodes. MALT lymphoma presents as superficial spreading or diffuse infiltrating lesion whereas diffuse large B cell lymphoma has a typical mass forming lesion appearance on endoscopic ultrasound. Imaging investigations including CT scans or endoscopic ultrasound are useful to stage disease. Hematological parameters are usually checked to assist with staging and to exclude concomitant leukemia. An elevated LDH level may be suggestive of lymphoma.


Most of the gastric lymphomas are predominantly non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma of B-cell origin. Primary gastric lymphoma can vary from being well-differentiated, low-grade lymphomas to high grade or large cell lymphomas.[8]

Risk Factors

Risk factors for gastric lymphoma include the following:[9]

Differential Diagnosis

Gastric lymphoma must be differentiated from conditions with similar presentation like acute gastritis, chronic gastritis, atrophic gastritis, Crohn's disease, gastroesophageal reflux disease, peptic ulcer disease, gastrinoma and gastric adenocarcinoma :[10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18]

Disease Cause Symptoms Diagnosis Other findings
Pain Nausea



Heartburn Belching or


Weight loss Loss of


Stools Endoscopy findings
Location Aggravating Factors Alleviating Factors
Primary gastric lymphoma - - - - - ? - - Useful in collecting the tissue for biopsy Other symptoms
Acute gastritis Food Antacids ? ? ? - ? Black stools -
Chronic gastritis Food Antacids ? ? ? ? ? - H. pylori gastritis

Lymphocytic gastritis

  • Enlarged folds
  • Aphthoid erosions
Atrophic gastritis Epigastric pain - - ? - ? ? - H. pylori


Autoimmune gastritis diagnosis include:

Crohn's disease - - - - - ? ?
  • Mucosal nodularity with cobblestoning
  • Multiple aphthous ulcers
  • Linier or serpiginous ulcerations
  • Thickened antral folds
  • Antral narrowing
  • Hypoperistalsis
  • Duodenal strictures
  • Lower esophageal sphincter abnormalities
  • Spicy food
  • Tight fitting clothing

(Suspect delayed gastric emptying)

? - - - - Other symptoms:


Peptic ulcer disease
Duodenal ulcer
  • Pain aggravates with empty stomach

Gastric ulcer

  • Pain aggravates with food
  • Pain alleviates with food
? ? - - - Gastric ulcers
  • Discrete mucosal lesions with a punched-out smooth ulcer base with whitish fibrinoid base
  • Most ulcers are at the junction of fundus and antrum
  • 0.5-2.5cm

Duodenal ulcers

Other diagnostic tests
Gastrinoma - - ?

(suspect gastric outlet obstruction)

? - - - Useful in collecting the tissue for biopsy

Diagnostic tests

Gastric Adenocarcinoma - - ? ? ? ? ? Esophagogastroduodenoscopy
  • Multiple biopsies are taken to establish the diagnosis
Other symptoms



  1. Dawson IMP, Cornes JS, Morrison BC. Primary malignant lymphoid tumours of the intestinal tract. Br J Surg. 1961;49:80-89.
  2. Aisenberg AC. Coherent view of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. J Clin Oncol. 1995;13:2656-2675.
  3. Thirlby RC. Gastrointestinal lymphoma: a surgical perspective. Oncology (Huntingt). 1993;7:29-32.
  4. Freeman C, Berg JW, Cutler SJ (1972). "Occurrence and prognosis of extranodal lymphomas". Cancer. 29 (1): 252–60. PMID 5007387.
  5. Jump up to: 5.0 5.1 Koch P, del Valle F, Berdel WE, Willich NA, Reers B, Hiddemann W, Grothaus-Pinke B, Reinartz G, Brockmann J, Temmesfeld A, Schmitz R, Rübe C, Probst A, Jaenke G, Bodenstein H, Junker A, Pott C, Schultze J, Heinecke A, Parwaresch R, Tiemann M (2001). "Primary gastrointestinal non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: I. Anatomic and histologic distribution, clinical features, and survival data of 371 patients registered in the German Multicenter Study GIT NHL 01/92". J. Clin. Oncol. 19 (18): 3861–73. doi:10.1200/JCO.2001.19.18.3861. PMID 11559724.
  6. Cogliatti SB, Schmid U, Schumacher U, Eckert F, Hansmann ML, Hedderich J, Takahashi H, Lennert K (1991). "Primary B-cell gastric lymphoma: a clinicopathological study of 145 patients". Gastroenterology. 101 (5): 1159–70. PMID 1936785.
  7. Muller AF, Maloney A, Jenkins D, Dowling F, Smith P, Bessell EM, Toghill PJ (1995). "Primary gastric lymphoma in clinical practice 1973-1992". Gut. 36 (5): 679–83. PMC 1382669. PMID 7797116.
  8. Jump up to: 8.0 8.1 Wang T, Gui W, Shen Q (2010). "Primary gastrointestinal non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: clinicopathological and prognostic analysis". Med. Oncol. 27 (3): 661–6. doi:10.1007/s12032-009-9265-1. PMID 19565363.
  9. NEJM article
  10. Sugimachi K, Inokuchi K, Kuwano H, Ooiwa T (1984). "Acute gastritis clinically classified in accordance with data from both upper GI series and endoscopy". Scand J Gastroenterol. 19 (1): 31–7. PMID 6710074.
  11. Sipponen P, Maaroos HI (2015). "Chronic gastritis". Scand J Gastroenterol. 50 (6): 657–67. doi:10.3109/00365521.2015.1019918. PMC 4673514. PMID 25901896.
  12. Sartor RB (2006). "Mechanisms of disease: pathogenesis of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis". Nat Clin Pract Gastroenterol Hepatol. 3 (7): 390–407. doi:10.1038/ncpgasthep0528. PMID 16819502.
  13. Sipponen P (1989). "Atrophic gastritis as a premalignant condition". Ann Med. 21 (4): 287–90. PMID 2789799.
  14. Badillo R, Francis D (2014). "Diagnosis and treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease". World J Gastrointest Pharmacol Ther. 5 (3): 105–12. doi:10.4292/wjgpt.v5.i3.105. PMC 4133436. PMID 25133039.
  15. Ramakrishnan K, Salinas RC (2007). "Peptic ulcer disease". Am Fam Physician. 76 (7): 1005–12. PMID 17956071.
  16. Banasch M, Schmitz F (2007). "Diagnosis and treatment of gastrinoma in the era of proton pump inhibitors". Wien Klin Wochenschr. 119 (19–20): 573–8. doi:10.1007/s00508-007-0884-2. PMID 17985090.
  17. Dicken BJ, Bigam DL, Cass C, Mackey JR, Joy AA, Hamilton SM (2005). "Gastric adenocarcinoma: review and considerations for future directions". Ann Surg. 241 (1): 27–39. PMC 1356843. PMID 15621988.
  18. Ghimire P, Wu GY, Zhu L (2011). "Primary gastrointestinal lymphoma". World J Gastroenterol. 17 (6): 697–707. doi:10.3748/wjg.v17.i6.697. PMC 3042647. PMID 21390139.
  19. Hauptrock B, Hess G (2008). "Rituximab in the treatment of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma". Biologics. 2 (4): 619–33. PMC 2727901. PMID 19707443.
  20. Morgner A, Schmelz R, Thiede C, Stolte M, Miehlke S (2007). "Therapy of gastric mucosa associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma". World J. Gastroenterol. 13 (26): 3554–66. PMC 4146794. PMID 17659705.

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