Tuberculosis pathophysiology

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Tuberculosis Microchapters


Patient Information


Historical Perspective




Differentiating Tuberculosis from other Diseases

Epidemiology and Demographics

Risk Factors


Natural History, Complications and Prognosis


HIV Coinfection


History and Symptoms

Physical Examination

Laboratory Findings


Chest X Ray



Echocardiography or Ultrasound

Other Imaging Findings

Other Diagnostic Studies


Medical Therapy

Special Conditions


Primary Prevention

Secondary Prevention

Cost-Effectiveness of Therapy

Future or Investigational Therapies

Case Studies

Case #1

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Risk calculators and risk factors for Tuberculosis pathophysiology

Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]; Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief: João André Alves Silva, M.D. [2]


Majority of the immunocompetent patients are asymptomatic with the primary infecttion of TB.


90% of the immunocompetent persons who are infected with M. tuberculosis do not develop symptoms. In these cases, the bacteria may either be eliminated by the immune system, or be kept in the latent state.[1]

The bacteria reach the terminal airways of the lungs, commonly at the middle lobes, upper regions of lower lobes and lower regions of upper lobes, where they begin to replicate. The initial focus of infection in the lung is a single region in 75% of the cases, and is called Ghon focus. At this focus, M. tuberculosis will be phagocytosed by local macrophages and dendritic cells. Although the immune cells may be able to eliminate the bacteria, M. tuberculosis is often able to replicate and destroy these cells. Besides the alveolar macrophages, other immune cells, such as blood monocytes (tissue macrophages) and lymphocytes, migrate to the Ghon focus to phagocytose the newly formed bacteria. A focus of inflammation is created and pneumonitis occurs.[1][2]

In an immunocompetent person, the infected macrophages are transported through the lymph to the regional lymph nodes. In immunocompromised patients, these macrophages may reach different parts of the body, through the bloodstream. During the dissemination of the infected macrophages, tissues that are more prone to bacterial replication, represent potential metastatic foci. These tissues include:[1][2]

Although all parts of the body can be affected by TB, this rarely affects the heart, skeletal muscles, pancreas and thyroid.[3]

TB is a granulomatous inflammatory disease. The granuloma may contain the following cells:[4]

The granuloma prevents the dissemination of mycobacteria and provides a pathway for immune cell communication. Within the granuloma, T lymphocytes (CD4) secrete cytokines, such as interferon gamma, which activate local macrophages to kill the bacteria with which they are infected.[4]

Primary Infection

The result of the tuberculin test is positive after 3-9 weeks of the initial infection. The positivity of this test represents an hypersensitivity reaction, and the development of cellular immune response towards the M. tuberculosis. In most immunocompetent patients, the immune system is able to control the infection, and a positive TST result is the only sign of this reaction.[1]

In a small number of cases, when there is a large concentration of antigens in the primary focus, the development of the immune response and hypersensitivity may lead to the necrosis and calcification of this infection site. These primary calcified foci are called Ranke complex.[1][5]

Progression of the Primary Infection

Initial foci of infection may evolve into large pulmonary lymph nodes. These may lead to:[1]

More commonly in non-caucasian children, with inferior resistance to tuberculosis, the primary focus of infection may evolve to constitute progressive primary disease, with advancing pneumonia. The infection may lead to the formation of cavitations with spread of the infection through the bronchi. This may also occur in HIV and elderly patients.[1][6][7]

In young children, the dissemination of infection before the onset of hypersensitivity may lead to military tuberculosis. Bacteria may disseminate directly from the primary focus, or from the Weigart focus (metastatic focus adjacent to a pulmonary vein) through the blood.[1][8]

In younger patients, serofibrinous pleurisy is more prone to occur following the rupture of subpleural foci of infection into the pleural space.[1]

The most severe consequence of the dissemination of bacteria from primary or metastatic foci, through the blood and lymph, is the seeding of the postero-apical regions of the lung. Here bacteria are able to replicate without the opposition of the immune system, potentially leading pulmonary tuberculosis.[1]

Age Influence on Tuberculosis

Depending on the age of the patient, tuberculosis may have different clinical manifestations, progression, and prognosis:[1][6][9][10][11][9][12]

Factor Influence

The location of tuberculosis in the lung is influenced by the age of the patient:

  • Adolescents and adult patients - predominance in the postero-apical region of the lung. This location is thought to be due to a deficient drainage of this region, thereby facilitating the retention of bacteria and necrosis.
  • Elderly patients - predominance of infection in the lower lobes
Infants and Children
  • Younger age (< 5 years) is associated with higher risk of developing progressive disease.
  • Infants are more prone to the development of tuberculosis following infection with M. tuberculosis.
  • Tendency for the disease to disseminate and evolve into miliary tuberculosis.
  • Common involvement of:
  • Good prognosis, even in the absence of treatment, often with spontaneous healing.
  • Cavitary tuberculosis has an higher risk of relapse.
  • Commonly affects lower regions of the lungs and presents with hilar adenitis
  • Hilar calcification is rare
  • Common in immunocompromised and dark-skinned patients
  • Towards young adulthood, the disease tends to occur in apical regions.
  • If infection is acquired during mid adulthood, the disease has a better prognosis, possibly due to the existence of less necrotic tissue.
  • Elderly patients have a weaker immune system. Therefore, latent disease, acquired at younger ages, may progress into active tuberculosis with postero-apical predominance.
  • A large group of elderly patients are TST negative because: they have never been infected; they have lost the hypersensitivity reaction; or because they have completely cleared previous infections. These patients are susceptible of reinfection.
  • Tuberculosis in these patients often presents as lower or middle lobe pneumonitis, seldom with pleural effusion.
  • Similar to childhood tuberculosis, with less degree of lymphadenopathy
  • Higher death rate

Immune Response

The immune response against M. tuberculosis has a great involvement from cellular immunity.[13] Despite the humural response during tuberculosis with production of numerous antibodies, its role in the immune response towards the bacteria is not defined. The immune response against M. tuberculosis is minimal during the first weeks, allowing it to replicate in the alveolar spaces and macrophages, constituting the Ghon focus, or metastatic foci. Bacterial entrance intro the macrophages occurs by interaction with the following receptors:[14]

Once within alveolar macrophages, M. tuberculosis uses multiple mechanisms in order to survive:[1]

  • Within the lysosome, the bacteria do not induce CD8 response

Alveolar macrophages and dendritic cells present mycobacterial antigens on their surfaces through class II major histocompatibility complex. These antigens will be recognized by CD4 lymphocytes through αβ T-cell receptors. CD4 lymphocytes, once activated, release lymphokines that attract more macrophages to the site of infection. During lymphocyte activation, immune cells produce large amounts of lytic enzymes, which when released, lead to the necrosis of tissues. Macrophages will also stimulate epithelioid cells that will be responsible for the formation of the granuloma.[1]

About 3-9 weeks after the infection with M. tuberculosis, the immune response reaches a level that is manifested by a positive TST result. The concentration of mycobacterial antigens and the level of the immune response are responsible for the clinical manifestations of TB.[1]

A granuloma is formed in the presence of a low antigen load, with an hypersensitive tissue response, that is manifested by a large accumulation of host cells, such as:[1]

In the presence of a high antigen load, with a hypersensitive tissue response, immune cells are not properly organized, and necrotic tissue may be formed.[1]

When the reaction of the immune system is successful, the healing process leads to the formation of a scar on the fibrotic and encapsulated tissue (exudative reaction). If necrosis is incomplete, a caseous material may be formed.[15]

If the caseous material is discharged through the bronchial airways, tuberculous cavities may be formed and coinfected by multiple organisms. In the absence of necrosis, full healing may occur.[15]

If the immune response is weak, nonreactive TB may be noted. In this case, unspecific tissue changes may be noted, with few immune cells surrounding large amounts of bacilli.[16]

In persons with a positive TST, endogenous foci of bacteria may be reactivated. CD4 lymphocytes are responsible for inhibiting this reactivation.[17]


After contact with a patient that has the active form of the disease, and inhalation of the M. tuberculosis the risk of developing active tuberculosis is low, with a life-time projected risk of about 10%.[18] The probability of transmission from one person to another depends on the number of infectious droplets expelled by the carrier, the effectiveness of ventilation, the duration of the exposure, and the virulence of the strain of M. tuberculosis.[19] The probability of transmitting the disease is highest during the first years, after the person has been infected, decreasing thenceforth.[20]

In rare occasions, the bacteria may be transmitted through other routes, besides the pulmonary. In these cases, the formation of foci in local lymph nodes is always involved. These alternative routes of transmission include:[1]

Associated Conditions


Tuberculosis influences the progression of HIV replication in infected patients, leading to an increase in the mortality rate.[21]

On the other hand, HIV infected patients, particularly those with low counts of CD4 lymphocytes, have increased risk of reactivation of latent tuberculosis. Additionally, when recently infected with M. tuberculosis, these patients tend to rapidly progress into active disease.[1][22][23] It is still not known if AIDS influences the risk of infection, when in contact with the M. tuberculosis.[1]

Patients with AIDS have increased risk of developing pulmonary and extrapulmonary tuberculosis. Extrapulmonary disease in this group of patients has characteristic manifestations, such as:[1]



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