Chronic stable angina medical therapy

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Chronic stable angina Microchapters

Acute Coronary Syndrome Main Page


Patient Information


Historical Perspective


Chronic Stable Angina
Walk through Angina
Mixed Angina
Nocturnal Angina
Postprandial Angina
Cardiac Syndrome X
Vasospastic Angina

Differentiating Chronic Stable Angina from Acute Coronary Syndromes


Epidemiology and Demographics

Risk Stratification

Pretest Probability of CAD in a Patient with Angina



History and Symptoms

Physical Examination

Test Selection Guideline for the Individual Basis

Laboratory Findings


Exercise ECG

Chest X Ray

Myocardial Perfusion Scintigraphy with Pharmacologic Stress

Myocardial Perfusion Scintigraphy with Thallium


Exercise Echocardiography

Computed coronary tomography angiography(CCTA)

Positron Emission Tomography

Ambulatory ST Segment Monitoring

Electron Beam Tomography

Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Coronary Angiography


Medical Therapy


Hybrid Coronary Revascularization

Alternative Therapies for Refractory Angina

Transmyocardial Revascularization (TMR)
Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS)
Enhanced External Counter Pulsation (EECP)
ACC/AHA Guidelines for Alternative Therapies in patients with Refractory Angina

Discharge Care

Patient Follow-Up

Secondary Prevention

Guidelines for Asymptomatic Patients

Noninvasive Testing in Asymptomatic Patients
Risk Stratification by Coronary Angiography
Pharmacotherapy to Prevent MI and Death in Asymptomatic Patients

Landmark Trials

Case Studies

Case #1

Chronic stable angina medical therapy On the Web

Most recent articles

Most cited articles

Review articles

CME Programs

Powerpoint slides


Ongoing Trials at Clinical

US National Guidelines Clearinghouse

NICE Guidance

FDA on Chronic stable angina medical therapy

CDC onChronic stable angina medical therapy

Chronic stable angina medical therapy in the news

Blogs on Chronic stable angina medical therapy

to Hospitals Treating Chronic stable angina medical therapy

Risk calculators and risk factors for Chronic stable angina medical therapy

Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [4] Phone:617-632-7753; Associate Editor(s)-In-Chief: Cafer Zorkun, M.D., Ph.D. [5]; John Fani Srour, M.D.; Jinhui Wu, M.D.; Lakshmi Gopalakrishnan. M.B.B.S.; Rim Halaby


The goal of the management of chronic stable angina is to improve the quality of life by decreasing the severity and frequency of symptoms and to decrease premature cardiovascular death caused by myocardial infraction or development of heart failure. The mainstays of the treatment of chronic stable angina are patient education, lifestyle changes and medical therapy.[1] In patients with chronic stable angina, immediate symptomatic relief is achieved with short-acting sublingual nitrates and long term symptom relief is achieved with beta blockers as first line therapy, or calcium channel blockers and long-acting nitrates when beta blockers are contraindicated. Drugs that improve the quality of life and are associated with a better prognosis include: low dose aspirin, beta-blockers and ACEIs.

Medical Therapy

  • Lifestyle modification and medical therapy are the first line treatment of patients with chronic stable angina.

Goals of the Medical Therapy

  • To decrease premature cardiovascular death :
  • To improve the quality of life:
    • By decreasing the severity and frequency of angina
    • By increasing exercise tolerance.[1]

Management Plan

Shown below is an image illustrating the different components of the management plan of a patient with chronic stable angina.
Management plan for chronic stable angina.
Management plan for chronic stable angina.

Patient Education

  • Importance of life style changes
  • Importance of compliance to medications.[1]

Risk Factors Modification

Lipid profile

Treatment of hypertension

  • Physical activity
  • Moderate alcohol intake if any
  • Diet low in sodium and rich in fruits, vegetables and low fat dairy products
  • Pharmacotherapy with ACEIs and/or beta-blockers.

Control of diabetes

  • Glycemic control.

Physical activity

  • 30 to 60 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise at least five days a week.

Weight management

  • Target BMI: between 18.5 and 24.9 Kg/m2
  • Target waist circumference: less than 40 inches in males and less than 35 inches in females.

Smoking cessation

  • Strong recommendation to stop smoking.[1]

Prevention of Acute Coronary Syndrome


  • Aspirin (75-162 mg/day) minimizes the risk of thrombosis superimposed on the chronic fixed obstruction.
  • Aspirin should be used indefinitely unless contraindicated.
  • If Aspirin is contraindicated, the second line treatment is clopidogrel.

Beta Blockers

ACE Inhibitors

Symptomatic Relief

  • The first line therapy consists of the use of beta blockers, and if the response to beta blocker therapy is inadequate, nitrates may be added.
  • For immediate symptomatic relief, sublingal or spray nitroglycerine should be used.
  • If angina episodes occur more than 2-3 times in a week, a calcium channel blocker or a long acting nitrate may be added. Regardless of the frequency and severity of angina symptoms, adding a calcium antagonists and/or long lasting nitrates to the main treatment regimen may help to reduce blood pressure and subsequently improve ventricular function.
  • In patients with special circumstances or concomitant diseases, specific medications, or combinations of medications are preferable.
  • Consider adding a third agent if angina persists despite of two anti-anginal drugs.
  • Coronary angiography is indicated in patients with refractory symptoms or ischemia, wherein, administration of optimal medical therapy has failed to control the symptoms or ischemia. Coronary angiography is also indicated in high-risk patients with non invasive test results, and in those with special occupations or sedentary life styles that require a more aggressive approach.

Chronic Stable Angina: Individual Pharmacologic Agents

You can read in greater detail about each of the pharmacotherapy for chronic stable angina below by clicking on the link for that topic.

Related Chapters



  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Qaseem A, Fihn SD, Dallas P, et al. Management of patients with stable ischemic heart disease: Executive summary of a clinical practice guideline from the American College of Physicians, American College of Cardiology Foundation/American Heart Association/American Association for Thoracic Surgery/Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association/Society of Thoracic Surgeons. Ann Intern Med 2012.
  2. Fox K, Garcia MA, Ardissino D, Buszman P, Camici PG, Crea F; et al. (2006). %5b "Guidelines on the management of stable angina pectoris: executive summary: The Task Force on the Management of Stable Angina Pectoris of the European Society of Cardiology" Check |url= value (help). Eur Heart J. 27 (11): 1341–81. doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehl001. PMID 16735367.
  3. Gibbons RJ, Chatterjee K, Daley J, Douglas JS, Fihn SD, Gardin JM et al. (1999) ACC/AHA/ACP-ASIM guidelines for the management of patients with chronic stable angina: executive summary and recommendations. A Report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines (Committee on Management of Patients with Chronic Stable Angina). Circulation 99 (21):2829-48. [1] PMID: 10351980
  4. Gibbons RJ, Abrams J, Chatterjee K, Daley J, Deedwania PC, Douglas JS et al. (2003) ACC/AHA 2002 guideline update for the management of patients with chronic stable angina--summary article: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines (Committee on the Management of Patients With Chronic Stable Angina). Circulation 107 (1):149-58.[2] PMID: 12515758
  5. Fraker TD, Fihn SD, Gibbons RJ, Abrams J, Chatterjee K, Daley J et al. (2007)2007 chronic angina focused update of the ACC/AHA 2002 Guidelines for the management of patients with chronic stable angina: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines Writing Group to develop the focused update of the 2002 Guidelines for the management of patients with chronic stable angina. Circulation 116 (23):2762-72.[3] PMID: 17998462

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