Sandbox/nct fire

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First Initial Rapid Evaluation of Suspected Narrow Complex Tachycardia

Shown below is an algorithm for the First Initial Rapid Evaluation (FIRE) of suspected NCT

Identify cardinal signs and symptoms that increase the pretest probability of NCT

Palpitations (Most common presentation)
Loss of consciousness
❑ Severe dyspnea

Unstable patient
Stable patient
If the rhythm isn't sinus:
❑ Urgent DC cardioversion
If the rhythm is sinus:

❑ Control the rate:

❑ IV metoprolol (2.5 to 5 mg over 2 minutes up to a maximum of 15 mg)
❑ Treat the underlying cause
❑ Assess airway, breathing, and circulation (ABC)
❑ Administer oxygen if necessary

First Initial Rapid Evaluation of Suspected Tension Pneumothorax

Shown below is an algorithm for the First Initial Rapid Evaluation (FIRE) of suspected tension pneumothorax.

Identify cardinal signs and symptoms that increase the pretest probability of tension pneumothorax

❑ Sever dyspnea
Chest pain
❑ Decreased level of consciousness (in late stages)
Identify any alarming signs or symptoms
Jugular venous distension
❑ Severe dyspnea
Unstable patient
Stable patient
❑ Assess airway, breathing, and circulation
Proceed with immediate needle decompression in the 2nd intercostal space, midclavicular line of affected hemithorax
❑ Insert chest drain immediately after needle decompression

Complete Diagnostic Approach in Patients with Tension Pneumothorax