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WikiDoc Resources for Bactericide


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Articles on Bactericide in N Eng J Med, Lancet, BMJ


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Cochrane Collaboration on Bactericide

Bandolier on Bactericide

TRIP on Bactericide

Clinical Trials

Ongoing Trials on Bactericide at Clinical

Trial results on Bactericide

Clinical Trials on Bactericide at Google

Guidelines / Policies / Govt

US National Guidelines Clearinghouse on Bactericide

NICE Guidance on Bactericide


FDA on Bactericide

CDC on Bactericide


Books on Bactericide


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Definitions of Bactericide

Patient Resources / Community

Patient resources on Bactericide

Discussion groups on Bactericide

Patient Handouts on Bactericide

Directions to Hospitals Treating Bactericide

Risk calculators and risk factors for Bactericide

Healthcare Provider Resources

Symptoms of Bactericide

Causes & Risk Factors for Bactericide

Diagnostic studies for Bactericide

Treatment of Bactericide

Continuing Medical Education (CME)

CME Programs on Bactericide


Bactericide en Espanol

Bactericide en Francais


Bactericide in the Marketplace

Patents on Bactericide

Experimental / Informatics

List of terms related to Bactericide

A bactericide or bacteriocide is a substance that kills bacteria and, preferably, nothing else. Bactericides are either disinfectants, antiseptics or antibiotics.

Important Functional Groups in a Bactericidal Substance

The most used bactericidal disinfectants are those applying

Bacteriocidal Antiseptics

As antiseptics (i.e., germicide agents that can be used on human or animal body, skin, mucoses, wounds and the like), few of the above mentioned disinfectants can be used, under proper conditions (mainly concentration, pH, temperature and toxicity toward man/animal). Among them, important are some

Others are generally not applicable as safe antiseptics, either because of their corrosive or toxic nature.

Bacteriocidal Antibiotics

Bacteriocidal antibiotics kill bacteria; bacteriostatic antibiotics only slow their growth or reproduction.

Penicillin is a bactericide, as are cephalosporins. Aminoglycosidic antibiotics can act in both a bactericidic manner (by disrupting cell wall precursor leading to lysis) or bacteriostatic manner (by binding to 30s ribosomal subunit and reducing translation fidelity leading to inaccurate protein synthesis)

Other bactericidal antibiotics include the fluoroquinolones, nitrofurans, vancomycin, monobactams, co-trimoxazole, and metronidazole.

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