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It was not until my mother was diagnosed with rheumatic heart disease that I had decided to become a physician. Application to medical school in order to become a compassionate physician did not happen to me easily. My father had decided that I would be an engineer. After completion of medical school, I was able to set up and manage a warfarin clinic in Bangladesh bordering India. Previously, patients from this underserviced area were forced to travel to India to attend warfarin clinics. Over time, my practice grew as fewer and fewer patients crossed the border to attend foreign warfarin clinics. I cared and made a difference! In addition, I went out of my way to provide health education on rheumatic fever in that community. I am influenced not only by my compassion for the community but also by my passion for intellectual aspects of cardiology: critical thinking, connecting seemingly unrelated dots, and innovation.

For the doctor-patient relationship, I experienced how critical it was to be empathetic, respectful, humane, forthright, thorough, and confident – traits for good bedside manner. I am influenced by this statement, “The good physician treats the disease; the great physician treats the patient who has the disease.” - Dr. William Osler.

My traits are: proactive, self-motivated, enthusiastic, ambitious, and humble. I am flexible and adaptable. In addition to a career, I have discovered that medicine is like sailing across an unexplored sea of growth, requiring wisdom, endurance and resilience.

My motto - compassion for patients via passion for innovation.

I am caring and committed to make a difference. INFLUENCERs:Dr. C.Michael Gibson, M.S., MD., Professor - Harvard University, Founder & Editor in Chief WikiDoc; Dr Lloyd Duchesne, MD, FRCPC, University of Ottawa Hear Institute, Ottawa, Canada; Dr Kwansong Ku, MD, PhD, Cardiovascular Surgeon, Shimane Medical University/Kinki University, Japan.