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I am urologist and sexologist and currently works as senior urologist : Hospital Practitioner full time at Hospital Bichat - Claude Bernard, University Hospital North Paris Val de Seine. I got the titles: «Surgeon Hospitals of Paris » [Chirurgien des Hôpitaux de Paris], «Former Resident Hospitals of Paris» [Ancien Interne des Hôpitaux de Paris], «Former Assistant Specialist Hospitals» [Ancien Assistant Specialiste des Hôpitaux]. I was born in 1967 in Aiud, Roumania. During my medical studies, I received a merit scholarship from the European "Tempus" program for an externship at the University of Tours, France. After I earned my MD degree, at 26, I moved in France. I started the first program resident in obstetrics and gynecology and then I validated a curriculum in general surgery and urology. I was enrolled in the Council of the College of Physicians [Conseil de l’Ordre des Médecins] in 2002 and I joined the corps hospital practitioners [Praticien Hospitalier] in 2007. After the validation of Urology, I focused my work on genitourinary functional disorders particularly on sexology. In parallel with my medical studies I validated a scientific training in I.T. and biostatistics and obtained a Master of Science Degree in Data Mining. While I was still a student (1991), I participate as a teacher in the Department of Medical Informatics at the University where I was named University Assistant by examinations after my medical degree in 1993. Generally, I held positions related to IT field (teaching, learning directed, consulting, medical research). I perfect my scientific background in statistics during my 7 years of consulting work in SPSS France. Currently, in addition to my clinical activities, I have a consulting activity in:

  • Data Mining;
  • Data Management;
  • Statistics.

During my activities as statistical consultant, I worked with SERVIER, TAKEDA, FOVEA, IBSEN, ASTELLAS, ADENOSOFT, ABC PHARMA... My area of excellence is the predictive care analysis, predictive modeling and nomograms. Although I have worked in the past with CLEMENTINE, SAS, SPSS, Modeler, NCSS, PLS, AMOS ... today I mainly use R and its powerful libraries for my statistical analysis purposes.