Low residue diet

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A low residue diet is a diet designed to reduce the frequency and volume of stools while prolonging intestinal transit time. It is similar to a low fiber diet, but typically includes restrictions on foods that increase bowel activity, such as milk and milk products and prune juice. A low residue diet typically contains less than 10-15 grams of fiber per day. Long term use of this diet, with its reduced intake of fruits and vegetables may not provide required amounts of vitamin C, calcium, and folic acid.

General guidelines

Foods to include

  • White bread, refined pasta and cereals, and white rice
  • Limited servings of canned or well cooked vegetables that do not include skins, seeds, or pulp
  • Tender, ground, and well cooked meat, fish, and poultry
  • Milk and yogurt (usually limited to 2 cups per day), mild cheese, cottage cheese
  • Margarines, butter, vegetable oil, mayo, plain gravies and dressings
  • Broth and strained soups from allowed foods
  • Pulp free juices

Foods to avoid

  • Whole grain breads and pastas, corn bread or muffins, products made with whole grain products, bran, seeds, or nuts
  • Strong cheeses, yogurt containing fruit skins or seeds
  • Raw vegetables
  • Tough meat, meat with gristle
  • Crunchy peanut butter
  • Millet, buckwheat, flax, oatmeal
  • Dried beans, peas, and legumes
  • Dried fruits, berries, other fruits with pulp or seeds
  • Food containing chocolate, coconut
  • Juices with pulp
  • Highly spiced food and dressings, pepper, hot sauces
  • Caffeine

Conditions that may require a low residue diet

See also


External links
