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Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]

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L-Indospicin [synonym: (S)-Indospicin] is a toxic , non- proteinogenic amino acid from the legume Indigofera endecaphylla . There it comes in amounts of up to 0.15% in the herb and up to 2.0% in the seeds before.

This plant is used as a forage crop in tropical areas. The offspring of pregnant animals, which eat the plant suffered a embryopathisches syndrome characterized by cleft palate , dwarfism , and acute liver damage is characterized. Furthermore, even were liver cirrhosis was observed. In humans, but so far no known poisonings.

The toxic effects (eg it is made ​​responsible for certain equine diseases) based on the action as L - arginine - an antimetabolite and a consequent impairment of protein biosynthesis. It also inhibits the constitutive and inducible NO synthase and is teratogenic .

L-Indospicin also occurs in other species such as Indigofera Indigofera mucronata and is suspected in several others. Because in addition to these poisons Indospicin the canavanine and Hiptagensäure are, there is some conflicting evidence in the literature about the nature and severity of the toxicity of the plant.


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