Hyperlipidemia NCEP recommendations for drug therapy of high-risk hyperlipidemia in children and adolescents

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Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1]

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Children and adolescents with high-risk hyperlipidemia require lipid-lowering drug therapy, particularly those with familial hypercholesterolemia, despite compliance with lifestyle recommendations .

NCEP recommendations for drug therapy of high-risk hyperlipidemia in children and adolescents

Original Recommendations of the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Expert Panel for Drug Therapy of High-Risk Hyperlipidemia in Children and Adolescents [1] (DONOT EDIT)

  • Consider drug therapy in children >10 years of age (usually wait until menarche for females) and after a 6- to 12-month trial of fat- and cholesterol-restricted dietary management.
  • Consider drug therapy if
    • LDL level remains >4.90 mmol/L (190 mg/dL) or
    • LDL remains >4.10 mmol/L (160 mg/dL) and there is a positive family history of premature cardiovascular disease >2 other risk factors are present in the child or adolescent after vigorous attempts to control these risk factors.
  • Referral to specialized lipid center may be deemed appropriate.
  • Treatment goal
    • Minimal, LDL <3.35 mmol/L (130 mg/dL)
    • Ideal, LDL <2.85 mmol/L (110 mg/dL


  1. McCrindle BW, Urbina EM, Dennison BA, Jacobson MS, Steinberger J, Rocchini AP; et al. (2007). "Drug therapy of high-risk lipid abnormalities in children and adolescents: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association Atherosclerosis, Hypertension, and Obesity in Youth Committee, Council of Cardiovascular Disease in the Young, with the Council on Cardiovascular Nursing". Circulation. 115 (14): 1948–67. doi:10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.107.181946. PMID 17377073.

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