When do we meet
Daily WikiDoc Scholars Meeting
Nearly 20 of our full time WikiDoc Scholars meet every morning at 8:30 AM Eastern Time (Boston time zone) in the Longwood Medical Area.
Daily Crowdiagnosis Meeting
If you would like to be involved in the Crowdiagnosis Project, you can join our WikiDoc Crowdiagnosis Meeting every morning at 9:30 AM Eastern Time (Boston time zone).
Weekly WikiDoc Board Review Meeting
The WikiDoc Board Review Team meets every Monday at 10:30 AM in the Longwood Medical Area. The meeting is led by Will Gibson, an M.D., Ph.D. candidate from Harvard Medical School. For more details, you can send an email to willjgibson@gmail.com.
We Meet With You When It Works For You
You can schedule a meeting with a member of the team by writing to questions@wikidoc.org.