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Common causes of tachycardia
*[[Orthostatic hypotension]]
*[[Endocrine disorders]]

Tachycardia can be caused by a wide variety of factors. The most common cause is [[orthostatic hypotension]]. Other common causes of tachycardia include endocrine disorders, disorders involving the [[heart]], and situations which cause an excess of [[catecholamine]]s in the body such as [[fever]] and [[exercise]]. Various medications and illicit drugs can also cause tachycardia.
{|style="width: 80%; height: 100px; text-align: justify; text-justify: distribute;" border="1"
|style="height:100px"; style="width:25%" border="1" bgcolor="LightSteelBlue" | '''Cardiovascular'''
|style="height:100px"; style="width:75%" border="1" bgcolor="Beige" |
*[[Brugmansia |Angel's trumpet (d. suaveolans)]]
| '''Chemical / poisoning'''
*[[Congenital heart defect]]
| '''Dermatologic'''
*[[Heart attack]]
*[[Heart disease]]
*[[3-quinuclidinyl benzilate]]
*[[Abciximab (patient information)]]
| '''Drug Side Effect'''
*[[Abnormal electrical pathways in the heart present at birth (congenital)]]
*[[Abrupt withdrawal of medications such as beta blockers]]
*[[Accessory pancreas]]
| '''Ear Nose Throat'''
*[[Acute chest syndrome]]
*[[Acute coronary syndromes ]]
*[[Acute intermittent porphyria ]]
*[[porphyria|Acute porphyria]]
| '''Endocrine'''
*[[Acute radiation syndrome|Acute radiation sickness]]
*[[Acute renal failure ]]
*[[Acute stress disorder ]]
| '''Environmental'''
*[[Adams Nance syndrome]]
*[[Adenoma|Adrenal adenoma]]
*[[Adrenal cancer  ]]
*[[Adrenal gland hyperfunction ]]
| '''Gastroenterologic'''
*[[Adrenal incidentaloma ]]
*[[Adrenal tumor|Adrenal medulla neoplasm]]
*[[Alcohol withdrawal]]
| '''Genetic'''
*[[Alcohol withdrawal syndrome]]
*[[Aldehyde syndrome]]
*[[Amanita phalloides]]
| '''Hematologic'''
*[[Amitriptyline|Amitriptyline toxicity]]
*[[Amoxapine|Amoxapine toxicity ]]
| '''Iatrogenic'''
*[[Amphetamine|Amphetamine poisoning ]]
*[[Anesthesia|Anaesthesia complications ]]
| '''Infectious Disease'''
*[[Andersen–Tawil syndrome]]
*[[Anorexia nervosa]]
*[[Antiarrhythmic agent|Anti-arrhythmic drugs]]
| '''Musculoskeletal / Ortho'''
*[[Antidepressant medications]]
| '''Neurologic'''
*[[Aortocaval compression syndrome]]
*[[Aplastic anemia ]]
*[[Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia]]
*[[Arsenic poisoning]]
| '''Nutritional / Metabolic'''
*[[Ashman phenomenon]]
| '''Obstetric/Gynecologic'''
*[[Atrial  fibrillation]]
*[[Atrial flutter]]
*[[Lown-Ganong-Levine syndrome|Atrial tachyarrhythmia with short pr interval]]  
*[[Atrioventricular Block|Atrioventricular node conduction block]]
| '''Oncologic'''
*[[Autonomic neuropathy]]
*[[AV nodal reentrant tachycardia|Atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia]]
| '''Opthalmologic'''
*[[Bacteremia ]]
*[[Bacterial digestive infections]]
*[[Bacterial diseases ]]
*[[Bacterial meningitis ]]
| '''Overdose / Toxicity'''
*[[Barth syndrome]]
| '''Psychiatric'''
*[[Beriberi heart disease]]
*[[Beta blockers|Beta-adrenergic poisoning ]]
*[[Betel nut]]
| '''Pulmonary'''
*[[Blood transfusion]]
*[[Boerhaave syndrome  ]]
*[[Bone marrow failure|Bone-marrow failure syndromes]]
| '''Renal / Electrolyte'''
*[[Bradycardia- syndrome]]
*[[Bright's disease]]
*[[Brugada syndrome]]
| '''Rheum / Immune / Allergy'''
*[[Caffeine|Caffeine poisoning ]]
*[[Carbamate insecticide poisoning ]]
| '''Sexual'''
*[[Carbon monoxide poisoning]]
*[[Carcinoid syndrome|Carcinoid crisis ]]
*[[Carcinoid syndrome ]]
*[[Cardiac amyloidosis]]
| '''Trauma'''
*[[Cardiac arrhythmia]]
*[[Cardiac effects of insect bites]]
*[[Cardiac tamponade]]
*[[Cardiac tumors]]
| '''Urologic'''
*[[Cardiogenic shock]]
*[[Cardiovascular effects of cocaine]]
| '''Miscellaneous'''
*[[Catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia]]
*[[Chagas disease]]
*[[Changes in ph (acid-base)]]
*[[Chronic fatigue syndrome]]
*[[Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease]]
*[[pulmonary disease|Chronic pulmonary disease]]
*[[Clostridium difficile]]
*[[Cocaine abuse]]
*[[Cocaine|Cocaine poisoning  ]]
*[[Commotio cordis]]
*[[Community-acquired pneumonia]]
*[[Congenital heart disease]]
*[[Congestive heart failure]]
*[[Cor triatriatum ]]
*[[Coronary heart disease]]
*[[Costello syndrome]]
*[[Cotton fever]]
*[[Cutaneous mastocytosis]]
*[[Cyclic antidepressant poisoning]]
*[[Deafness ]]
*[[Decompensated heart failure]]
*[[Dermatomyositis ]]
*[[Desipramine|Desipramine toxicity ]]
*[[Dicobalt edetate]]
*[[Diet pills]]
*[[Dipping tobacco]]
*[[Dosulepin hydrochloride]]
*[[Caffeinated drink|caffeinated beverages]]
*[[Drinking too much alcohol]]
*[[Duchenne muscular dystrophy]]
*[[Ebstein's anomaly of the tricuspid valve]]
*[[Electrolyte disturbance|Electrolyte imbalances]]
*[[Endocardial fibroelastosis ]]
*[[Exposure to stimulants (nicotine, caffeine, amphetamines), anticholinergic drugs, beta blocker withdrawal, or illicit drugs]]
*[[Fat embolism]]
*[[Ferric Carboxymaltose|Ferric carboxymaltose]]
*[[Fetal distress]]
*[[Foods containing tyramine]]
*[[Thyroid hormone resistance|Generalized resistance to thyroid hormone]]
*[[Glyceryl trinitrate]]
*[[Graves' disease]]
*[[Groll-hirschowitz syndrome]]
*[[Hashimoto's thyroiditis ]]
*[[Heart cancer ]]
*[[Heart conditions ]]
*[[Heart failure]]
*[[Heart injury ]]
*[[Heart surgery]]
*[[Hepatorenal tyrosinemia ]]
*[[High blood pressure]]
*[[Hydroxyethyl starch]]
*[[Hyperadrenalism ]]
*[[Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy]]
*[[Hypokalemic periodic paralysis ]]
*[[Hypotension and shock]]
*[[Hypovolemia ]]
*[[Idiopathic causes ]]
*[[Idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy]]
*[[Imbalance of electrolytes, mineral-related substances necessary for conducting electrical impulses]]
*[[Imipramine toxicity ]]
*[[Inappropriate sinus tachycardia|Inappropriate sinus]]
*[[Lobelia|Indian tobacco (lobelia inflata) ]]
*[[Inferior vena cava syndrome]]
*[[Iron deficiency]]
*[[Isosorbide mononitrate]]
*[[Jervell and Lange-Nielsen syndrome]]
*[[Datura stramonium|Jimsonweed (datura stramonium)]]
*[[Junctional rhythm]]
*[[Kawasaki disease]]
*[[Lassa fever]]
*[[Loeffler's endocarditis ]]
*[[Long QT syndrome]]
*[[Long-term effects of alcohol]]
*[[Low potassium level]]
*[[Malignant hyperthermia]]
*[[Mallory–Weiss syndrome]]
*[[Medication side effects]]
*[[Mercury poisoning]]
*[[Metabolic acidosis]]
*[[Methadone withdrawl]]
*[[Milnacipran hydrochloride]]
*[[Mitral valve prolapse|Mitral-valve prolapse]]
*[[Multifocal atrial tachycardia|Multifocal atrial ]]
*[[Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 ]]
*[[Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 ]]
*[[Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 3]]
*[[Multiple endocrine neoplasia ]]
*[[Muscular dystrophy, Duchenne and Becker type|Muscular dystrophy, duchenne and becker type]]
*[[Myocardial infarction]]
*[[Myocardial ischemia]]
*[[Neuroleptic malignant syndrome]]
*[[Neuromuscular-blocking drugs]]
*[[Nonparoxysmal Junctional Tachycardia|Nonparoxysmal junctional]]
*[[Organophosphate insecticide poisoning ]]
*[[Overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism)]]
*[[Palpitations ]]
*[[Panic disorder]]
*[[Supraventricular tachycardia|Paroxysmal supraventricular]]
*[[Peanut allergy ]]
*[[Penfield syndrome ]]
*[[Poison hemlock|Poison hemlock (conium maculatum) ]]
*[[Polyarteritis nodosa]]
*[[Polymorphic ventricular tachycardia|Polymorphic ventricular]]
*[[pulmonary embolism|Postoperative pulmonary embolism]]
*[[Postoperative respiratory failure ]]
*[[Postoperative septicaemia ]]
*[[Postpartum haemorrhage ]]
*[[Postpartum thyroiditis|Postpartum hyperthyroidism ]]
*[[Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome|Postural orthostatic  syndrome]]
*[[Premature ventricular contractions]]
*[[Procainamide (patient information)]]
*[[Procyclidine hydrochloride]]
*[[Protozoan infection|Protozoan conditions]]
*[[Protriptyline|Protriptyline toxicity ]]
*[[Pulmonary edema of mountaineers ]]
*[[Pulmonary embolism]]
*[[Pulmonary heart disease ]]
*[[Pulseless ventricular tachycardia|Pulseless ventricular]]
*[[QT lengthening|Qt lengthening]]
*[[Quetiapine|Quetiapine toxicity]]
*[[Respiratory disease|Respiratory conditions ]]
*[[Respiratory failure ]]
*[[Respiratory infections ]]
*[[Respiratory system cancer ]]
*[[Retroperitoneal hematoma]]
*[[Romano–Ward syndrome]]
*[[Ruptured spleen]]
*[[Scarlet fever]]
*[[Sedative dependence ]]
*[[Serotonin syndrome]]
*[[Sick sinus syndrome]]
*[[Sickle-cell disease]]
*[[Sinus ]]
*[[Snake bite]]
*[[stress|Sudden stress]]
*[[Tension pneumothorax]]
*[[Terfenadine  ]]
*[[Theophylline|Theophylline poisoning]]
*[[Timothy syndrome]]
*[[Tobacco|Tobacco (nicotiana tabacum) ]]
*[[Torsade de pointes]]
*[[Toxemia ]]
*[[Toxic multinodular goitre]]
*[[Transfusion reaction]]
*[[Trimipramine|Trimipramine toxicity]]
*[[Uhl anomaly]]
*[[Ulcerative colitis]]
*[[Unstable angina]]
*[[Valvular dysplasia of the child]]
*[[Valvular heart disease]]
*[[Vancomycin resistant enterococcal bacteremia ]]
*[[Variegate porphyria  ]]
*[[Vascular malposition ]]
*[[Ventricular extrasystoles perodactyly robin sequence ]]
*[[Ventricular familial preexcitation syndrome ]]
*[[Ventricular septal defect ]]
*[[Dextro-transposition of the great arteries|Ventriculo-arterial discordance, isolated ]]
*[[Vibrio vulnificus infection ]]
*[[Vibrio ]]
*[[Viral digestive infections ]]
*[[Volume depletion]]
*[[Warm-reacting-antibody haemolytic anemia  ]]
*[[Waterhouse–Friderichsen syndrome]]
*[[Watermelon stomach ]]
*[[Western equine encephalitis ]]
*[[White coat hypertension]]
*[[Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome]]
*[[urolithiasis|Xanthic urolithiasis ]]
*[[X-linked sideroblastic anaemia ]]
*[[Zopiclone withdrawl]]
[[Potato (solanum tuberosum)]],
[[Acute intermittent porphyria ]],
[[Porphyria|Acute porphyria]],
[[Aldehyde syndrome]],
[[Betel nut]],
[[Electrolyte disturbance|Electrolyte imbalances]],
[[Foods containing tyramine]],
[[Iron deficiency]]
[[Metabolic acidosis]]
[[Adams Nance syndrome]],
[[Acute Porphyria]],
[[Beriberi Heart Disease]],
[[Betel nut]],
[[Foods containing tyramine]],
[[Metabolic acidosis]]

Latest revision as of 18:55, 20 August 2016

Chemical / poisoning
Drug Side Effect
Ear Nose Throat ]
Infectious Disease
Musculoskeletal / Ortho
Nutritional / Metabolic
Overdose / Toxicity
Renal / Electrolyte
Rheum / Immune / Allergy