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==Dosage and Administration==
One dose (1 packet or 1 level teaspoon) of COLESTID Granules contains 5 grams of colestipol hydrochloride. One dose (1 packet or 1 level scoopful) of FLAVORED COLESTID Granules is approximately 7.5 grams which contains 5 grams of colestipol hydrochloride. The recommended daily adult dose is one to six packets or level scoopfuls given once or in divided doses. Treatment should be started with one dose once or twice daily with an increment of one dose/day at one- or two-month intervals. Appropriate use of lipid profiles as per NCEP guidelines including LDL-cholesterol and triglycerides is advised so that optimal, but not excessive doses are used to obtain the desired therapeutic effect on LDL-cholesterol level. If the desired therapeutic effect is not obtained at one to six doses/day with good compliance and acceptable side effects, combined therapy or alternate treatment should be considered.
To avoid accidental inhalation or esophageal distress, COLESTID and FLAVORED COLESTID should not be taken in its dry form. COLESTID and FLAVORED COLESTID should always be mixed with water or other fluids before ingesting. Patients should take other drugs at least one hour before or four hours after COLESTID or FLAVORED COLESTID to minimize possible interference with their absorption. (See PRECAUTIONS, Drug Interactions.)
===Before COLESTID or FLAVORED COLESTID Administration===
Define the type of hyperlipoproteinemia, as described in NCEP guidelines.
Institute a trial of diet and weight reduction.
Establish baseline serum total and LDL-cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
===During COLESTID or FLAVORED COLESTID Administration===
The patient should be carefully monitored clinically, including serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Periodic determinations of serum cholesterol levels as outlined in the NCEP guidelines should be done to confirm a favorable initial and longer-term response.
Failure of total or LDL-cholesterol to fall within the desired range should lead one to first examine dietary and drug compliance. If these are deemed acceptable, combined therapy or alternate treatment should be considered.
Significant rise in triglyceride level should be considered as indication for dose reduction, drug discontinuation, or combined or alternate therapy.
===Mixing and Administration Guide===
COLESTID and FLAVORED COLESTID should always be mixed in a liquid such as water or the beverage of your choice. It may also be taken in soups or with cereals or pulpy fruits. COLESTID or FLAVORED COLESTID should never be taken in its dry form.
FLAVORED COLESTID is an orange-flavored product. Although it may be mixed with a variety of liquids or foods, the selection should be based on patient preference.
===With Beverages===
Add the prescribed amount of COLESTID or FLAVORED COLESTID to a glassful (three ounces or more) of water or the beverage of your choice. A heavy or pulpy juice may minimize complaints relative to consistency.
Stir the mixture until the medication is completely mixed. (COLESTID and FLAVORED COLESTID will not dissolve in the liquid.) COLESTID and FLAVORED COLESTID may also be mixed with carbonated beverages, slowly stirred in a large glass; however, this mixture may be associated with GI complaints.
Rinse the glass with a small amount of additional beverage to make sure all the medication is taken.<ref name="">{{Cite web  | last =  | first =  | title = COLESTID (COLESTIPOL HYDROCHLORIDE) GRANULE, FOR SUSPENSION FLAVORED COLESTID (COLESTIPOL HYDROCHLORIDE) GRANULE, FOR SUSPENSION [PHARMACIA AND UPJOHN COMPANY] | url = | publisher =  | date =  | accessdate = 11 February 2014 }}</ref>
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Latest revision as of 14:05, 21 July 2014

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