Suicidal ideation medical therapy

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Editor-In-Chief: C. Michael Gibson, M.S., M.D. [1];Associate Editor(s)-in-Chief: Vindhya BellamKonda, M.B.B.S [2]


Treatment of suicidal thoughts and behavior depends on specific situation, such as level of severity of suicidal ideation, underlying mental and physical problems that might be contributing to suicidal thoughts/behavior. Treatment varies based on whether it is an emergency situation that requires active intervention or just a passive suicidal ideation that can be addressed by follow up as an outpatient or psychotherapy or other life style interventions.



  • If you have active suicidal ideation and acted on those thoughts,

Call 911 or local ER number, or take help from people around you to call.

  • If the subject is at immediate risk of hurting themselves:
    • Call 911 or local ER number
    • Call a suicide hot line number -in the U.S., " National suicide prevention lifeline at 800-273-8255 to reach out to a counselor.

In the ER, the patient will be treated as per the underlying condition. Doctor will interview and assess the risk of suicide and will decide on further plan. The patient may be given medications to alleviate the symptoms of any underlying mental illness such as Major depressive disorder or if needed the patient may require in-patient hospitalization for ensuring safety of the patient and assess response to therapeutic interventions that have been initiated.

  • In the state of Massachusetts, patients with active suicidal ideation are sometimes involuntarily admitted under section-12, if the patient refuses admission to a psychiatric unit voluntarily( the names for involuntary admissions may vary from state to state across United States)

Non-emergency situation

  • If a patient has suicidal ideation, but are not in an imminent danger of harming themselves, outpatient treatment with a mental health professional is recommended and they can be on a medication regimen or seek help in the form of psychotherapy

Medical therapy

  • Antidepressants-

  • Antipsychotics
  • Anti anxiety medications


The therapist explores various issues in a patient's life, that might have triggered the suicidal thoughts and helps the patient learn skills that enable them to manage their emotions more effectively. Meets up with the patient in various sessions and there by develops a therapeutic alliance.

=== Family therapy=== There is an emphasis on educating family members understand the patient's situation and to equip them with better coping skills and improve communication and relationship and there by making a positive impact on the patient's life.

Addiction treatment

Patients who actively use substances like alcohol, and drugs have an increased risk of suicdal thoughts as compared to the general population. These patient's might need enrollment in "Detox", and other self help groups such as "Alcoholic anonymous", "Narcotic anonymous".