Sandbox gc

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Glasgow Coma Scale
Variable Score
Motor response Obeys commands
(The patient does simple things as asked.)
Localizes to pain (Purposeful movements towards painful stimuli; hand crosses mid-line and gets above clavicle when supra-orbital pressure applied) 5
Flexion/Withdrawal to pain (Flexion of elbow, supination of forearm, flexion of wrist when supra-orbital pressure applied; pulls part of body away when nailbed pinched) 4
Abnormal flexion to pain (Flexor posturing: Adduction of arm, internal rotation of shoulder, pronation of forearm, flexion of wrist, decorticate response) 3
Extension to pain (Extensor posturing: Abduction of arm, external rotation of shoulder, supination of forearm, extension of wrist, decerebrate response) 2
No motor response 1
Verbal response Oriented (Patient responds coherently and appropriately to questions such as the patient’s name and age, where they are and why, the year, month, etc.) 5
Confused (The patient responds to questions coherently but there is some disorientation and confusion) 4
Inappropriate words (Random or exclamatory articulated speech, but no conversational exchange) 3
Incomprehensible sounds (Moaning but no words) 2
No verbal response 1
Eye response Eyes opening spontaneously 4
Eye opening to speech (Not to be confused with the awakening of a sleeping person; such patients receive a score of 4, not 3.) 3
Eye opening in response to pain stimulus (A peripheral pain stimulus, such as squeezing the lunula area of the patient's fingernail is more effective than a central stimulus such as a trapezius squeeze, due to a grimacing effect) 2
No eye opening 1
Glasgow Coma Scale: