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WikiDoc Resources for Vulvectomy


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Articles on Vulvectomy in N Eng J Med, Lancet, BMJ


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Cochrane Collaboration on Vulvectomy

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Clinical Trials

Ongoing Trials on Vulvectomy at Clinical

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Guidelines / Policies / Govt

US National Guidelines Clearinghouse on Vulvectomy

NICE Guidance on Vulvectomy


FDA on Vulvectomy

CDC on Vulvectomy


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Patient Resources / Community

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Patient Handouts on Vulvectomy

Directions to Hospitals Treating Vulvectomy

Risk calculators and risk factors for Vulvectomy

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Symptoms of Vulvectomy

Causes & Risk Factors for Vulvectomy

Diagnostic studies for Vulvectomy

Treatment of Vulvectomy

Continuing Medical Education (CME)

CME Programs on Vulvectomy


Vulvectomy en Espanol

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Vulvectomy in the Marketplace

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Experimental / Informatics

List of terms related to Vulvectomy

Vulvectomy refers to a gynecological procedure in which the vulva is partly or completely removed. Usually this is performed as a last resort in certain cases of cancer, vulvar dysplasia or Human Papilloma Virus (genital warts). The patient experiences severe pain in the groin area for a couple of weeks after the procedure. Sexual function is generally still possible but limited.

A simple vulvectomy means removal of all external tissue, and a radical vulvectomy is the same but also includes lymph node removal, clitoris, and nearby tissue is also removed. A partial vulvectomy is the least severe, only removing the affected portion of the vulva. Skinning vulvectomy involves the removal of the top layer of vulvar skin (the external female genital organs,incluiding the clitoris, vaginal lips and the opening of the vagina) where the cancer is found. Skin grafts from other parts of the body may be needed to cover the area. There are 2 types of Skinning Vulvectomy, the Partial skinning vulvectomy and the Total skinning vulvectomy. The objective of the first one is the preservation of the cosmetic and functional integrity of the vulva in younger and sexually active patients in whom a steady increase in the incidence of vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia has been observed in the last decade meanwhile the objective of the Total skinning vulvectomy is to remove the entire vulva with total skin graft replacement in patients with an entire vulva cancer involvement. Modified radical vulvectomy involves the removal of vulva containing cancer and some of the normal tissue around it.

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