Hepatitis F

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Guidelines / Policies / Govt

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List of terms related to Hepatitis F

Hepatitis F is a hypothetical virus linked to hepatitis. Several hepatitis F candidates emerged in the 1990s; none of these reports have been substantiated.[1],[2],[3]

Most recently, in 1994 Deka et al reported that novel viral particles had been discovered in the stool of post-transfusion, non-hepatitis A, non-hepatitis B, non-hepatitis C, non-hepatitis E patients.[4] Injection of these particles, into the bloodstream of Indian rhesus monkeys caused hepatitis, and the virus was named hepatitis F, or Toga virus. Further investigations failed to confirm the existence of the virus, and it was delisted as a cause for infectious hepatitis.[3],[5]

The next confirmed hepatitis virus was hepatitis G.


  1. Uchida T (1993). "Genetic variations of the hepatitis B virus and their clinical relevance". Microbiol Immunol. 37 (6): 425–39. PMID 7694049.
  2. Fagan EA (1994). "Acute liver failure of unknown pathogenesis: the hidden agenda". Hepatology. 19 (5): 1307–12. PMID 8175156.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Bowden S (2001). "New hepatitis viruses: contenders and pretenders". J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 16 (2): 124–31. PMID 11207890.
  4. Deka N, Sharma MD, Mukerjee R (1994). "Isolation of the novel agent from human stool samples that is associated with sporadic non-A, non-B hepatitis". J Virol. 68 (12): 7810–5. PMID 7966570.
  5. Kelly D, Skidmore S (2002). "Hepatitis C-Z: recent advances". Arch Dis Child. 86 (5): 339–43. PMID 11970925.

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